
Thursday, July 21, 2011

odd future


Just some randoms from my 4th of July weekend that never made the cut before because they're weird and emo. The blue bathroom belongs to some friends of ours who have fashioned their house into a living, breathing David Lynch tribute for unknown reasons. I have no idea how they managed to mount their flat-screen TV onto the 6-armed mannequin, but it looks pretty fucking rad actually.

Oh, and I can't get over Odd Future. Recently downloaded Tyler, The Creator and Earl Sweatshirt's mixtapes, which have been imbuing me with a healthy sense of "fuck you" on my daily commute for the past couple of weeks. These kids have crazy skills and not one of them is over the age of 20. If you're not afraid of swear words, vomit, and insane teenager-fueled stream-of-consciousness, you should check out their blog here.


  1. Wow! The blue bathroom and mannequin TV definitely get the curious vote. I guess the video intends to shock in a 'teenager-fueled stream-of-consciousness' sort of way - angsty art for angry young men (and commuters!) They should be packed off to Summer Camp:-)

  2. Insane! And I love it, but maybe because I'm a Lynch fan too? The mannequin TV installation is pretty incredible. That video is perfect to fuel road rage by the way. I may have to start listening to it during rush hour in the subway...
