
Monday, August 20, 2012

history buffs

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wearing James jeans cords, H&M t-shirt and sweater, thrifted jean jacket, Soludos shoes, vintage bag, Wardell's Ray Ban sunglasses

Because I just know you needed more photos of me staring pensively into the distance with a look on my face like I'm holding in a fart...I bring you this photo set from a previous weekends' trip to the Legion of Honor. This casual-not-boring outfit is anchored by my favorite skinny cords and my boyfriend's Ray Bans, which incidentally look amazing on me. No wonder I bought them for him.

Here we are looking creepy. Or maybe that's just from the patina on the 200 year-old mirror. Or maybe we actually do look pretty creepy. I leave that to you to decide.


  1. I love your pictures... makes me so friggin jealous. It actually makes me want to just hop into my car and go on the road. Live the life of a road rat.


  2. I'll be presumptuous and ask that your future engagement photos be taken in 200-year-old mirrors.

  3. hah holding in a fart that cracked me up!! you only look slightly creepy no worries hahah


  4. Looking stylishly casual here, love the colors with a hint of leopard prints ;)

    p/s: You asked & I'd say, just a lil fatter. And older. haha.
