
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

mensa invitational

wearing AA t-shirt, thrifted button-down, thrifted Wrangler shorts, thrifted necklace, Zara boots

Today's outfit stars the thrifted cutoffs I got last weekend. Unfortunately, it's too chilly to rock them bare-legged, so I added black tights and a pair of boots. I guess you could call it summer dressing, San Francisco-style.

Currently watching: Brooke Knows Best. Don't ask. I'm not sure why I hate my eyes and want them to suffer either.

And here's a random outfit post from the weekend when I went to see a show. It was freezing. I'm glad I had the fur.

wearing DIY Topshop bleached jeans, Gap t-shirt, DIY crystal necklace, vintage cardigan and fur stole, Converse sneakers, vintage clutch

Oh, and I just wanted to share these hilarious 2009 winners from the Washington Post's Mensa Invitational. Every year, the Post asks readers to take a word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing a letter, and supplying a new definition. Here are my favorites:

Ignoranus: a person who is both stupid, and an asshole

Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.

Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease.

Bozone: The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little signs of breaking down in the near future.

Try using them in a sentence today!


  1. You look great. You crack my shit up. Every time I go to your blog I know I am going to have a good laugh.

    I will add these to my GRE words I am studying.

  2. those are really great boots in the first picture

  3. ha!

    you look amazing as always:)

  4. Love the jeans and the necklace, great look!

  5. Great outfits, I like your jeans!


  6. Haha ignoranus.. I love the fur stole! The shorts look good - I've had to resort back to tights this week too. I hate england - the weather is actually ridiculous. The red doors are fun too! :) x

  7. love your bleached jeans!

  8. Your bleached jeans came out great! And I like the color of that clutch. Reminds me of pistachio ice cream.

  9. awsome blog, love the outfit!!! incredible
    the bat

  10. i love this outfit! the clutch is a great touch of color too and adds femininity to the sort of grungy outfit. and those words are hilarious.

  11. i love the bleached jeans. I need some for myself so badly.

    lmao. osteopornosis
